Gran Paradiso Princeton II

Check out Lennar’s plan promo for the Princeton II.

Step back now ladies…the handsome guy featured is my wonderful husband. 😉



I do not work for any of the wonderful builders in the West Villages Improvement District, or any others for that matter. My services and information (including the resources provided on all of my websites) are wholly independent of these developers. No other independent professional is more knowledgeable about this community, and enlisting me to assist with your transaction serves also to fund these resources to keep them available for you and others on an ongoing basis.

Please, check out my website, and contact me for more information!

Look forward to hearing from you!


Aileen “Ali” Johnston, MHA

(currently working on an MBA in Real Estate)

Realtor®, Hoover Realty

Mobile: 941-539-5771

WVID WordPress Blog

WVID Blogspot

Gran Paradiso WordPress Blog

Gran Paradiso Blogspot

My West Villages Site

My Gran Paradiso Site

My IslandWalk Site


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